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Natalie Zimmermann




Naturheilpraktikerin mit eidgenössischem Diplom, Fachrichtung TCM

During my long-term employment as a registered nurse HF at the children's hospital Zurich I have learned a lot about illness and health as well as gained experience in the collaboration with children and parents. With my education as a therapist in the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) I could widen my medical perspective. The methods of TCM allow us to tackle the source of illness and imbalance in the body and break the cycle of recurring disorders. As the mother of three children (2016, 2019, 2019) it is highly important to me to recognize and understand imbalances, especially in children, and to treat them at their roots. My knowledge in western medicine helps me in my activity as a TCM therapist. I appreciate the interdisciplinary collaboration with physicians and therapists from different fields of expertise and I am eager for professional exchange.

In my practice I interact respectfully with women and children and comply with the EACH-Charta  (Eropean Association for Children in Hospital).

I am delighted that a growing number of parents decides to let Traditional Chinese Medicine accompany themselves and their children. The capabilities of TCM are excellent both in pediatrics as well as gynaecology.

Current professional activity:

  • February 2024 Opened my practice TCM Frau und Kind at the new practice location in Zurich
  • 2021-2023 Founding and heading the group practice coucon, alternative medicine center for women and children, Erlenbach ZH
  • 2012-2023 Own practice TCM Frau und Kind in Erlenbach ZH

Professional activities:

  • 2014-2016 Part-time employment as Dipl. nurse HF at the Kinderpermanence Spital Zollikerberg
  • 2001-2014 Full- and part-time employment as Dipl. nurse HF at the Kinderspital Zürich, departement internal medicine, surgery and rehabilitation


  • February 2024 Proof of expertise in laser acupuncture
  • Since 2011 Diploma TCM Akupunktur of the TCM Fachverband Schweiz and practice license for Traditional Chinese Medicine in the canton Zurich
  • 2006-2015 Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2006 Acupuncture  (Sake Bern), 2010 Tuina ( Sake Bern), 2015 Chinese Drug Therapy (Chiway Akademie für Akupunktur und asiatische Medizin, Winterthur)
  • 2011 Cantonal exam on basic knowledge of non-physician complementary medicine, cantonal department of health Basel-Stadt
  • 1997-2001 Graduation as Pflegefachfrau HF with focus Child, Woman and Family at the Kinderspital Zürich

Further education:

  • TCM-Pediatrics: various courses in Pediatrics with Rebecca Avern, Dr. Elissa Rossi, Claude Diolosa, Noemi Morell
  • TCM-Gynaecology: various courses in Gynaecology, Reproductive Medicine, Infertility, Pregnancy and Birth with Dr. Yuning Wu, Dr. Claudia Citkovitz, Master Jeffrey Yuen, Dr. Céline Leonard, Dr. Michael Häberle, Esther Denz

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